Is it harmful for pets, kids, plants, etc.?

No, it is not

How long does it last?

Depends on what type of pest control application is being done

Does it matter if it rains before or after an application?

Not usually, some applications dry in 15 minutes and other types of pest control could take 2 hours to dry.

What other precautions could I take besides/as well as the spray to get rid of mosquitos?

Be proactive keeping your property well maintained. Don’t keep things around that hold stagnant water

Will it make a difference the first time or will it take a couple of sprays?

It definitely does. Although, the more applications, the better control

Do I have to sign a contract?

An agreement needs to be signed to give us permission to spray. No one is locked into any service they are not happy with.

How can I make my payment?

Checks, Cash, and Cards

What is the actual process when the workers show up?

Stay off the treated area until it is dry.